Here, The Course Note and syllabus of Microprocessor at the 3rd semester of the Diploma in Computer Engineering/IT CTEVT.
EG 2107 EX
Total: 7 hour /week
Year: II Lecture: 3 hours/week
Semester: III Tutorial: 1 hours/week
Practical: 3 hours/week
Course Description:
This course deals with fundamentals of microprocessor, basic low level microprocessor programming, interfacing and introduction to basic programmable devices.
Course Objectives:
After completing this course the students will be able to:
1. Explain the working principle of a computer
2. Demonstrate the working principleof microprocessor
3. Implement the process of writing and executing low level language
4. Explain and implement the Interfacing techniques of deviceswith a computer system
Course Contents
Units | Topic | Contents | Hours | Methods/ Media | Marks |
1 | Introduction to Microprocessor: | 1.1 History of computer development 1.2 Analog and digital computer 1.3 Microprocessor, microcomputer, microcontroller 1.4 Stored program concept and von-Neumann’s architecture 1.5 General architecture of a microcomputer system showing control buses 1.6 History of x86 microprocessors 1.7 Block diagram of a typical microprocessor and microcontroller 1.8 Programming language 1.9 Instruction set of microprocessors 1.10 Introduction to Simple as Possible (SAP1, SAP2, SAP3) computers | [8] | | |
2 | Microprocessor architecture and | 2.1 Internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor 2.2 Instruction and data formats | [8] | | |
| the instruction set: | 2.3 Instruction classifications 2.4 Addressing modes in 8085 2.5 8085 Instruction set | | | |
3 | Assembly language programming for 8085 | 3.1 Introduction to assembly language and assemblers 3.2 Simple assembly language programs 3.3 Programs using loops, counters, delays 3.4 Table processing 3.5 Subroutine and stack 3.6 Code conversion ASCII/BCD/Binary | [9] | | |
4 | Interfacing I/O and memory devices: | 4.1. 8085 machine cycles and bus timing · Fetch and execute cycles · Memory read/write machine cycle · I/O read/write machine cycle 4.2. Address Decoding · Unique and non-unique address decoding · Address decoding for I/O and memory devices 4.3. Interfacing I/O devices · Interfacing Input Devices · Interfacing Output Devices · Address decoding using block decoders · Interfacing Memory-mapped I/O 4.4. Memory Interfacing · Memory structure and its requirement · RAM and ROM chips · Address decoding using NAND and block decoders 4.5. Direct memory access | [10] | | |
5 | 8085 Interrupt processing: | 5.1. Programmed I/O 5.2. Interrupt Driven I/O 5.3. The 8085 Interrupt 5.4. 8085 Vectored Interrupts 5.5. Restart and software instructions | [6] | | |
6 | Introduction to general purpose | 6.1. 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface | [4] | | |
| programmable peripheral devices: | 6.2. 8254(8253) Programmable Interval Timer 6.3. 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller 6.4. 8251 USART | | | |
Practical: | [45 hrs] | | | ||
Perform the following tasks: | | | | ||
1. Demonstrate the basics of microcomputer system through the 8085 microprocessor trainer kit 2. Write a program that uses data transfer instructions 3. Write a program that uses arithmetic instructions 4. Write a program that uses logical instructions 5. Demonstrate with conditional and unconditional branching 6. Demonstrate with conditional and unconditional subroutine call and stack 7. Demonstrate involving loops and counters 8. Demonstrate that involves masking and checking numbers 9. Write a program to manipulate table of numbers 10. Write a program for BCD and ASCII manipulation 11. Write a program to perform multiplication and division 12. Write a programs to read and write from the port | | | |
Reference books:
1. Ramesh S. Gaonkar, “8085 Microprocessor programming and interfacing”, New Age
2. John Uffenbeck, “The 8080, 8085 & Z-80 Programming, Interfacing and Troubleshooting”, PHI
3. B. Ram "Fundamentals of Microprocessor and Microcontrollers" Dhanpat Rai Publications
4. Ajay Wadhwa, "Microprocessor 8085:Architecture, Programming and Interfacing", PHI
5. Albert Paul Malvino, JeraldA. Brown, “DigitalComputer Electronics”, McGraw-Hill