Here, The Course Note and syllabus of C Programming at the 1st semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering/IT CTEVT.
[PDF] C programming first semester notes Ctevt | Diploma in Computer Engineering
Computer Programming in C
EG 1109 CT
Total: 8 hour /week
Year: I Lecture: 3 hours/week
Semester: I Tutorial: 2 hours/week
Practical: 3 hours/week
Course Description:
This course deals with the computer fundamentals, problem solving method. It covers basic input and output, structured programming fundamentals, functions, arrays, strings, pointers, structures and file handling using C programming language.
Course Objective:
After the completion of this course the students will be able to:
1 Describe basic programming concepts and terms.
2 Explain and apply variousdata types and operators used in C.
3 Develop the workingknowledge of problem solving by using the computer methods, systems and languages.
4 Apply conditional and looping statements while developing programs.
5 Create modular programs using function.
6 Make and apply programsusing array, strings, structure and union.
7 Apply pointers in developing programs.
8 Operate Read and write mode to data file in C.
Course Contents:
Units | Topics | Contents | Hours | Methods /Media | Marks |
1 | Computer Programming Basics: | 1.1 Program, Programming, Programming language and its types 1.2 Language translators ( Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter) 1.3 Program Design Tools (Algorithm, Flowchart and pseudo code) | 3hrs | | |
2 | Introduction to C: | 2.1 History 2.2 Character Set, Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers 2.3 Constants and its types, Variables, Rules for naming Variables 2.4 Operators and its types 2.5 Expression 2.6 Data types | 6hrs | | |
Units | Topics | Contents | Hours | Methods /Media | Marks |
| | 2.7 Precedence and Associativity 2.8 Escape Sequence | | | |
3 | Basic Input and Output: | 3.1 Formatted Input/ Output functions (scan (), print ()) 3.2 Unformatted Input / Output functions (getchar (), putchar (), gets (), puts()) | 3 hrs | | |
4 | Structured Programming Fundamentals: | 4.1 Control Structure (Sequence, Selection, Loop) 4.2 Conditional Statements (if, if….else, if….else if, nested if…else, switch) 4.3 Loop (for, while, do – while) 4.4 Nested loop 4.5 Break and continue statement | 10hrs | | |
5 | Functions: | 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Function Components (Function Prototypes, Call and Definition) 5.3 Types of function on the basis of return type and arguments 5.4 Call by value and call by reference 5.5 Recursion | 4 hrs | | |
6 | Arrays and Strings | 6.1 Introduction to Array 6.2 Types of Array (One Dimensional, Multi Dimensional, Static) 6.3 Dynamic Array (Introduction only) 6.4 Passing Array to Function 6.5 Introduction to String 6.6 Handling Functions (strcpy(), strlen(), strcmp(), strrev(), strlwr(), strupr()) | 8hrs | | |
7 | Pointer | 7.1 Introduction to pointer 7.2 Pointer Arithmetic 7.3 Relation between pointer and Array 7.4 Dynamic Memory Allocation | 4hrs | | |
8 | Structure and Union | 8.1 Introduction to Structure 8.2 Declaring and Defining Structures 8.3 Accessing Structure member | 4 hrs | | |
Units | Topics | Contents | Hours | Methods /Media | Marks |
| | 8.4 Introduction to Nested Structure 8.5 Arrays of Structures 8.6 Union: Declaring and defining Union, Accessing Union member 8.7 Difference between Structure and Union | | | |
9 | Files and Files Handling in ‘C’: | 9.1 Introduction to data file 9.2 Opening and closing sequential files 9.3 Modes of opening file (r, w, a) 9.4 Processing file | 3 hrs | | |
10 | Practical | | 45 hrs | | |
Perform the following tasks using C: 1. Write programs to implement sequential structure. 2. Write programs to implement conditional and iterative structure. 3. Write programs using array and strings. 4. Write programs using pointer. 5. Write programs using structure and union. 6. Write programs using functions. 7. Write programs to read from and write to data file. |
Reference books:
· Kanetkar, Y. P. (2008).Let us C 8th Ed, New Delhi,BPB Publication
· Baral, D.S.,Baral, D. & Ghimire S. K, The secretes of C programming language.Kathmandu, Bhundi Purana Prakasan.
· Balagurusamy, E. (2007). Programming in ANSI C. New Delhi,India: Tata McGraw-Hill.
· Raman, R. (1984). Computerprogramming in C, New Delhi,PHI. India
· B.S. Gottfried(2001), Schaum’s OutlineSeries for Programming with C, SecondEdition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi
· Bhatta, R.D (2015),A Text Book of C Programming, VidyarthiPrakashan