Here, The Course Note and syllabus of Artificial Intelligence(AI) at the 6th semester of Diploma in Computer Engineering/IT CTEVT.
Artificial Intelligence
EG 3203 CT
Total: 8 hours /week
Year: III Lecture: 4 hours/week
Semester: II Tutorial: 1 hour/week
Practical: 3 hours/week
Course Contents:
Unit 1. Goals in problem-solving: [7]
Goal schemas, use in planning, Concept of non-linear planning, Means–end analysis, Production rules systems, forward and backward chaining, Mycin-style probabilities and its application
Unit 2. Intelligence: [6]
Introduction of intelligence, Modeling, humans vs. engineering performance, representing intelligence using and acquiring knowledge
Unit 3. Knowledge Representation: [7]
Logic, Semantic networks, Predicate calculus, Frames
Unit 4. Inference and Reasoning: [10]
Inference, theorems, Deduction and truth, maintenance, Heuristic search, State- space representations, game playing. Reasoning about uncertainty Probability, Bayesian networks, Case-based Reasoning
Unit 5. Machine Learning: [10]
Concepts of learning (based on Winston), Learning by analogy, Inductive bias learning, Neural networks, Genetic algorithms, Explanation based learning, Boltzmann Machines
Unit 6. Application of artificial intelligence: [20]
Neural networks: Network Structure, Adaline, Madaline, Perceptron, Multi-layer Perceptron, Radial Basis Function, Hopfield network, Kohonen Network, Elastic net model, back-propagation
Expert Systems: Architecture of an expert system, Knowledge acquisition,induction, Knowledge representation, Declarative knowledge, Procedural knowledge, Knowledge elicitation techniques, Intelligent editing programs, Development of expert systems
Natural language Processing: Levels of analysis: Phonetic, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, Machine Vision: The bottom-up approach, edge extraction, line detection, line labeling, shape recognition, image interpretation, need for top-down, hypothesis-driven approaches.
Practical: [45]
1. Laboratory exercises should cover the design and development of artificial intelligence using the LISP and Prolog software.